
Ralph brings over 40 years of experience in meditation practice, counseling, and group process with diverse populations to this project. His activities include:

-1970’s: With Joel Levey, Ralph implemented the first of several 4 day Death & Dying Meditation Retreats in the Northwest. One venue was Fort Flagler just West of Whidbey Island, Washington and the other was a Catholic Retreat Center in Seattle, WA. The retreat size at both venues was 200-250. The primary teachers at Fort Flagler were Ram Dass and Stephen Levine. The teachers in Seattle were Stephen and Ondrea Levine. The retreats were self-funded, and there was a waiting list for both. 

-1990’s: Spearheaded the first retreat for People of Color (POC), funded by The Pond Foundation. The venue for the retreat was Spirit Rock Meditation Center; the facility had 98 beds. The retreat was 3 days and included coordinating a staff for cooking and all other essentials. There was a wait-list of 100+. Ralph Steele was one of the primary teachers. The second meditation retreat for POC was on the East Coast at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York. The venue came with a cooking staff and the essentials to support this project. The facility had 100 beds. Again, there was a wait-list of 100+. The teachers included Gena Sharp, Joseph Goldstein and Ralph Steele.

-1999 to 2006: The non-profit Life Transition Institute was founded by Ralph Steele. Over 7 years the Institute sponsored annual 3 day Youth Meditation Retreats and coordinated a staff for cooking and other essentials for support. The project was initially funded by the Newman Foundation. Participants ranged in age from 9 to 20, and group size was limited to 20. Several of the participants accompanied him to St Petersburg, Russia in 2005 to make a presentation on “Conflict Resolution”. My co-presenter was a teen graduate of the program who completed his engineering degree at New Mexico Tech in 2012. Eighty five participants attended during the course over a span of seven years. All participants graduated from High School which was the project rating scale metric. 

-2006 (March 26 to April 6)- Agent Orange Conference, Vietnam: Ralph participated with a five-member team of Vietnam Veterans representing Veterans for Peace, attended the first International Conference on Agent Orange in Hanoi and visited with over 300 victims in hospitals and care centers in Hanoi, Ho- Chi-Minh City and Huê. 

-2006-2014: For five years Ralph offered meditation retreats in Santa Fe that were led by Theravada Monks and Nuns. On average, 60 people participated in each one of these retreats. These offerings were discontinued because of difficulties in getting the appropriate venue. 

-2014- 2021: Ralph has been assisting Raja Selvam PhD. in certification training in Selvam’s model of working with trauma and difficult emotions, a researched based process. Ralph’s theory for his program, “Embodying Emotions with Somatic Meditation,” grew out of Dr. Selvam’s work. Selvam’s newly published book: “The Practice of Embodying Emotions - A Guide for Improving Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes” was published in March 2022 and is in its second printing.

Current: Life Transition Meditation Center (LTMC), a 501c3 founded in 2008, has provided on-line meditation courses since 2018. Multiple sessions and levels of a program called “Embodying Emotions with Somatic Meditation” that Ralph developed have been held. Each class, limited in size to 7 participants, meets virtually for 7 weeks, in weekly sessions of 2 hours. The classes are presented with core principles of Somatic Meditation, and participants learn experientially how to utilize subtle energy techniques, as well as the connections between emotions and their physical manifestations. To date, a total of 160 individuals have participated in this meditation model. Upon completion of the 7 weeks, participants are invited to join virtual meditation groups led by Ralph that utilize the subtle energy tools that were learned in the introductory course. Additionally, Ralph provides virtual 30 minute somatic group meditations on Monday and Friday mornings and a weekly 60 minute “tea” and discussion open to all students. On Sunday mornings, Somatic Meditation and Dharma Talk meetings are held virtually in 7 week cycles. An overall subject frames each cycle. Ralph leads these meetings and also hosts invited guests with expertise in other traditions.

P.O. Box 9286
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504
Phone: (505) 982-4183
[email protected]

Pawley's Island, South Carolina
First language was Gullah and the second is English

2015 - 2016
2015-2016 Certified Integral Somatic Psychotherapy Professional Training
This included 72 hours of a three-part certificate completion in advanced somatic experiencing trauma treatment. This training increases efficiency through greater awareness and embodiment of all the gross and subtle bodies that are contained in the absolute collective body of pure awareness. It focused on how the interaction of these bodies creates our experience, how difficult experiences dysregulate and disarmed them; and how they can be brought into better relationship with each other becoming regulated and balance, while psychological work takes place with the client. Raja Selvam, PhD, PhD, is a senior trainer in Peter Levine's, PhD Somatic Experiencing professional training program and the developer of ISP.

2007 - 2010 Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Somatic Experiencing is a body-awareness approach to trauma treatment. The three-year training combines classes, individual sessions and case consultations, it is taught worldwide. Founded by Dr. Peter Levine, and based upon the realization that human beings have an innate ability to overcome the effects of trauma, SE restores self-regulation, a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness to traumatized individuals. SE is used in the treatment of combat veterans, rape victims and survivors of natural catastrophes, auto accidents, post-surgical trauma, chronic pain sufferers, and infants who experienced traumatic births. Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute; Boulder, Colorado

1997 - 2001
Buddhist Psychology; Insight Meditation Teacher Training:
Instructor: Jack Kornfield, Ph.D.,
Spirit Rock Meditation Center; Woodacre, California

1999 - 2000
Monastic Training, as a monk in the monasteries of Burma and Thailand studying intensive meditation practices.

1992 - 1994
Clinical Health Psychology Doctorate Program at The Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, Ca. No completion.

1976 - 1979
M.A. in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling
University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California

1974 - 1976
B.A. in Humanistic Psychology; B.A. in Religious Studies (Board Honors);
University of California, Santa Cruz, California 

1972 - 1973
A.A. in Psychology
Spokane Falls Community College, Spokane, Washington

1994 - Present
New Mexico State License: Marriage, Family, & Therapy, # 0344

Reverend or Venerable: 1402514: October 11, 2005; County of Santa Fe, New Mexico 

Fellow: American Academy of Pain Management: Management: Credential # 436. 

Member: American Society of Pain Management

Clinical Member: of the American Association For Marriage And Family Therapy

California Community College Counselor, Credential #210437. This qualifies me to do academic and personal counseling.

California Community College Instructor, Credential #210435. This qualifies me to teach psychology courses.


1993 - 1999
Chairperson: Program Committee 
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Youth Shelter & Family Service

1995 - 1999 
Chairperson: Board of Trustees 
Southwestern College
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Accredited Graduate College: M.A.s in Counseling and Art Therapy


1995 - 2010
Insight Meditation Society
Barrie, Massachuttes
Adjunct faculty to the staff of teachers

1990 - 2010 
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Woodacre, California
Adjunct faculty to the staff of teachers

1989 - 1997 
Pinon Hills Psychiatric Hospital
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Individual Psychotherapy & Family Therapy. I had privileges to see physician referred patients and their families to work with stress, acute and chronic pain.

1988 - 1997 
St. Vincent Hospital
Santa Fe, New Mexico

I was a member of the "Professional Physician Sponsored Staff". I had privileges to see physician referred patients and their families, assisting them in the process of pain, grief & trauma. Supervisors: Stephen Lustbader M.D. & Lucas Van Orden, M.D. I am now part of a task force to put together a package to provide complimentary medicine for the Cancer Treatment Center. The expertise I bring to the team is "meditation", Dir. Rhonda Flack, M.D.


2015 and 2016  San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin California. Day Long Meditation Retreat at a maximum security prison sponsored by the Chaplaincy Department.

2011 (August 8 to 10)
Agent Orange Conference, Vietnam

I was invited to attend and speak at the second International Conference in Hanoi, sponsored by Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange. The participants included second generation victims of A.O. from twelve countries; and fourth generation victims in Vietnam. The conference concluded the A.O. population is increasing globally. 

2008 (September 13) 
Cultural Diversity Acknowledgement
At Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, Ca. Ralph was honored as an Elder in the community for initiating meditation retreats for people of color and supporting diversity.

2006 (March 26 to April 6)
Agent Orange Conference, Vietnam

I traveled with a five member team of Vietnam Veterans representing Veterans for Peace, attended the first International Conference on Agent Orange in Hanoi and visited with over 300 victims in hospitals and care centers in Hanoi, Ho-Chi-Minh City, and Huê.

2005 (May 11 to 18)
Conflict Resolution & Youth Conference, Russia
I took two youths that participated with international youths in discussions on global environmental issues in St. Petersburg, Russia. We gave a presentation on our model “Youth, Leadership Training, Meditation, & Exploration Camp”. An annual camp held in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I also participated in a panel discussion with regards to making peace and resolving conflicts.

2003 (May 9 to 13)
Conflict Resolution Conference; St Petersburg, Russia
I attended and participated in an international panel discussion with regards to making peace and resolving conflicts.

Founded R. Mitchell Steele Minority Scholarship Program
Southwestern College, Santa Fe, New Mexico

1997 (June 8 to 11)
Accompanied His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama
Meditation Team along with Alice Walker, Edwin James Olmos, Jack Kornfield, Stephen Levine and others in a conference entitled "Peace Making" in San Francisco, California.

1985 - 1992
Originator/Founded, College Advisory Board
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Hospice Training Program Northern New Mexico Community College
El Rito, New Mexico
I was contracted to do a national needs assessment and feasibility study. The study also included a curriculum for students to get an Associate Degree and Continuing Education Certification for healthcare professionals. It was the first academic program in the nation. Under my supervision, this program has moved to Southwestern College, Santa Fe.

1993 – Present
Life Transition Meditation Center, Santa Fe, NM
Founding Teacher of a Non- Profit 501 c-3 devotion to practice and education of Mind & Body Globally. The purpose of promoting freedom from racism and social injustice through the practice of somatic meditation.

1987 - 2019
Life Transition Therapy,Inc., Santa Fe, N.M.
Mindfulness Meditation Pain Program, (11 years endorsement of U Mass. Medical Center; Stress Reduction & Relaxation Program; Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D, Director). Health Center that provides Marriage, Family & Individual Therapy; Acupuncture; and Massage

Casa Libre Prison Project
Rehabilitation Center
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I helped in designing and implementing this rehabilitation program .

Santa Fe Community Alcohol Management Program
Ayudantes, Inc. 
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
I developed an out-patient, municipal court-referred D.W.I. program. This program provides 44 hours per client of group, individual, and peer therapy over a three month period. It emphasized nutrition, mental and physical breathing exercises, education, and peer involvement.


1994 Consultant
Prison Project Return
Tulane University 
New Orleans, LA
A rehabilitation program that work with people recently released from Angola prison. There minimum time in prison was five years. Bob Roberts, DDS., PhD.,Dir.

9/82 - 12/82 Consultant
Hospice Maranath
N. 1620 Monroe
Spokane, Washington
I facilitated a staff retreat and a nine-week in-service training program, assisted the hospice nurse and volunteer staff in relaxation and pain therapy.

1990 - Present Vipassana Meditation Teacher
I conduct vipassana (insight), meditation retreats. 
1992-Present President
Life Transition Therapy Institute:
This is a 501-c-3 not for profit institute offers educational events in the field of meditation based pain management and health psychology to the general public.

1984 - 2003 President/Director
Life Transition Therapy, Inc.
110 Delgado Compound Suite A
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
This private clinic emphasizes work in the areas of grief, stress and pain management, alcohol and drug abuse, yoga, massage, rolfing, workshops and training for medical staff regarding terminally ill patients and pain management. Psychotherapy is available for individuals, families and children. 
Karl Ray, M.D.,Psychiatrist; Medical Consultant

2/86 - 1/91 Grief Counselor
Lovelace Medical Center
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Was a provider for Lovelace Health Plan in the area of Grief Counseling for individual, families, couples and children.

4/85 - 5/86 Psychotherapist
Santa Fe Psychiatric Hospital
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I design and implemented a Multiple Family Therapy program

4/86 - 5/87 Psychotherapist
Pinon Hills Psychiatric Hospital
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I did in-patient family, marriage and individual counseling.

9/84 - 10/85 Faculty Member
Health Occupations Division
Northern New Mexico Community College 
Espanola and Santa Fe, New Mexico
Course titles offered:
"Awareness of Death and Dying"
"Helping the Living and Dying: Emotion and Change"
"Introduction to Hospice Philosophy of Care"

7/83 - 8/84 Psychotherapist and Program Manager
Santa Fe Community Alcohol Management Program
Ayudantes, Inc.
P.O. Box 2799
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

11/82 - 1/83 Grief Counselor
Dying Center, Dale Borglum, Director
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I served as a temporary staff-member at the Center, answering crisis calls originating world-wide.

1/81 - 8/82 Grief Counselor Volunteer
Sister of Holy Names Convent
Fort Wright Drive, Spokane, Washington
I did relaxation and pain therapy in the infirmary, helping each nun through the process of dying, and coordinating relaxation therapy workshops. 

3/82 - 8/82 Grief Counselor
Spokane and Seattle, Washington.
I provided grief counseling, primarily through home visits.

1/82 - 3/82 Instructor: Death & Dying Education
Holy Family Hospital 
Spokane, Washington
I was a member of the teaching faculty at Holy Family Hospital Wellness Program, teaching a course in Stress Management entitled: "Awareness of Life as a Preparation For Death".

2/80 - 8/80 Mental Health Counselor
Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center
Santa Cruz, California
I worked in the out-patient Counseling Department, in the areas of drug and alcohol abuse; facilitated groups in the Residential Treatment Center and specialized in veterans' counseling.

2/79 - 6/80 Family Counseling
1130 McKendre St.
San Jose, California
Divorce counseling; workshops on child custody and divorce issues.

7/79 - 8/79 Respite Worker
Family Resource Center
Seaside, California
Provided counseling for families in crisis. I did referral for families to various agencies in the community.

9/78 - 6/79 Academic Counselor
University of California
Santa Cruz, California
Administrative supervisor for a peer counseling program, provided literature from graduate school and fellowships, provided graduate school advising. I also did counseling in areas of stress, crisis, drug abuse and careers.

11/75 - 3/76 Career Counselor
Santa Cruz County Veterans' Service Office 
Santa Cruz, California
I provided career and vocational counseling; counseled veterans on delayed stress syndrome, and facilitated veterans' groups.

9/72 - 5/73 Adolescent Counselor
Morning Star Boys' Ranch 
Spokane, Washington
Provided individual and group counseling for adolescent boys; organized recreational activities.

7/72 - 9/72 Rehabilitation Counselor
Office of Probation and Parole
Work Release Unit
Spokane, Washington
I provided alcohol, drug abuse, career and vocational counseling to prisoners who had served a minimum of five years in prison. This department was designed to help the prisoner adjust to living in society again.

5/67 - 9/67 Youth Employment Manager
Youth Center
Yokota Air Force Base, Japan
I provided teen counseling and supervised the child care program.

1969 - 1971
United States Army, Honorable Discharge, Rank E-5 
Vietnam Disabled Vietnam Veteran